
Job Fair Do’s & Don’ts

5 Tips to Get You to Round 2

I was recently invited to help out my esteemed image colleagues, Catherine Schuller and Judith Ann Graham at a Job Fair in midtown Manhattan. No, we were not accepting job applications but instead providing image, resume and communication tips for those individuals seeking employment. With a 10% unemployment rate the competition is fierce so it’s our mission to help job seekers present a polished and professional image that will get them hired.

I’m writing this blog because to be honest, I was a bit surprised (ok well horrified) at how ill prepared some of these job seekers were. Everything from their attire, body language, and resumes screamed “I am just not into this!”

Attention Job Fair Attendees: It IS an interview and a very important one! It is your first contact with the company and could be your last.

1. Turn the cell phone/blackberry OFF and be “present!”
I watched a woman waiting on line to speak with a potential employer, talking loudly on her phone. Not only was she disrupting the others on the line whom were probably trying to mentally prepare themselves for their interview, but she was saying to the potential employer “I have other things to do today.” Really? The only thing that you should be communicating to all the employers in that room is “There is nothing more important than being here today and getting hired!”

2. Leave apathy at the door and bring enthusiasm into the room!

I stole the apathy part from my colleague Judith Graham and realized how right she is. Yes, many Americans are struggling right now and millions have been unemployed for quite some time BUT here’s your opportunity to get employed! Bring solutions to the table, not problems. Don’t walk into the job fair as if you are tired of doing this “gig” because chances are, the person that exudes energy, enthusiasm and a desire to be there will get through to round 2 and you won’t.

3. Dress up because it IS an interview
The same woman I mentioned above chatting loudly on her cell phone, thought it appropriate to wear a long sleeve rocker type t-shirt paired with jeans a few sizes to small and Ugg Boots. Do you think an employer will say “wow, this is a great candidate, she’s definitely making it to round 2?!” I think NOT. She could encompass all the qualities and skills they are looking for but her “attitude” and “attire” will only get her standing on line at the next Job Fair. Get your suit tailored, shoes polished, hair, make up and nails done, and for men, if you must have facial hair, keep it well groomed. If you are a smoker, PLEASE refrain from smoking until AFTER the job fair. Lastly, there is no need to have a cocktail prior to your "interview" so please refrain from this as well!

4. Practice your pitch

Your sole purpose at a job fair is to sell your skill set so that you differentiate yourself from all other candidates in that room that are vying for the same job. You have a very short window to do this (many people waiting on line) so practice your pitch. Know the answer when asked “why would I hire you” or better yet, don’t wait until you are asked, tell the interviewer when you meet him/her why you would be the best candidate for the job.

5. Your image encompasses your resume

Please have a professional review and critique your resume. Trust me, whatever the cost; it will be well worth it. If you don’t have an email address, get one; they are FREE! When you open up the account, do not pick a funny email address like or; simply use your name! Also, when you print your resume, print it on heavy stock paper not ordinary printer paper. Your resume is a leave behind so make sure it gets passed on in the organization and not thrown in the recycle bin.

I implore everyone that plans to attend a job fair to please take these above tips into careful consideration. If you have specific questions, please feel free to write a comment here in this blog or send me an email directly at

Good luck!

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